
Goodbye Carrier IQ

6 Dec 2011

Carrier IQ is the solution by which the wireless industry can obtain customer's experience on wireless devices such as mobile phones. According to their overview, Carrier IQ consists of software in mobile phones to generate logs about customer's experience, massive scalable data processing which collects logs and insightful data analysis. The software is adopted by iOS and Android.

There has been some lawsuits regarding Carrier IQ in the U.S. and two problems seem to lie. One is that we have not been informed about it and the other is the possibility of recording personal information.

Looking into my iPhone (iOS4 and jailbroken), Carrier IQ has been installed and generating logs. But I'm pretty fine with Carrier IQ as if I were informed about it, I wouldn't read the very long agreement. And Apple can easily access and record my personal information.

However, I try to delete it just for fun.

At first, I thought it would be easy to find the way but it was wrong. After I tried for a while, I found it on the site which shows the way to increase speed, battery life and so on.

Using information on the site, I disabled Carrier IQ as described below. Now Carrier IQ stopped to generate logs in my iPhone.

1. Install Ifile using Cydia
2. Delete /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.awd_ice2.plist
3. Restart iPhone

最近話題のCarrier IQ。

Carrier IQとは、Carrier IQ社が無線産業向けに提供する、ユーザの利用状況を把握するためのソリューションで、同社のOverviewによると、利用状況をログに出力するソフトウェア、ログを回収するネットワーク、解析&レポート機能の3つから構成される。そしてログを出力するソフトウェアはiOSやAndroidに組み込まれている。




※awd_ice2がCarrier IQ



結局、今回の件でCarrier IQが注目を集める以前からあったサイト(パフォーマンスや電池の持ちを良くする方法を紹介している)にて発見。

そのままそっくりの方法ではないが、CydiaからiFileをインストールし、/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ 以下にある
com.apple.awd_ice2.plist(Carrier IQの起動設定)を削除して再起動。


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